How to Add Groups in THAREJA

Groups come into existence when you have to perform same type of actions for more than one member of a team. You can just create a group with required members and then use that group wherever you need to add those members instead of individually selecting them.

Only the team owner and manager can create, edit or delete groups.

Adding a group

STEP 1. Open Groups page from left side navigation to get to the list of groups.

STEP 2. Then click on New Group button given at the top right corner of the page.

Add New Group popup will appear to fill in these details:

STEP 3. Once you filled in all the details, click Save.

Editing a group

Select the group you want to edit, open Actions menu on it and click Edit Group.

Below popup will appear to edit these details.

Archiving a group

Select the group you want to archive, open Actions menu on it and click on Archive Group.

Next you will get this confirmation popup, click OK to confirm.

You will get your group successfully moved from active to archived groups listing. 

Deleting a group 

Only an archived group can be deleted, not an active one.

Select the group you want to delete permanently in the archived groups listing. Open Actions menu on it and click Delete Group.

Next click OK to confirm and your group will be permanently deleted.

Restoring a group

An archived group can always be restored.

Select the group you want to restore in the archived groups listing. Open Actions menu on it and click Restore Group.

Next click OK to confirm and your group will be moved from archived to active groups listing.

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