Weekly Reports

Viewing a weekly report

Reports feature in THAREJA allows you to know all about your team's progress and productivity. You can see all the details in-depth here about what your team is working on, how they are spending their time and how efficient they are being.

The Weekly Reports section allows you see how much your team have earned in a specific week as well as how much your clients will be invoiced for their work.There are useful filters to find the exact information that you are looking for. 

Navigate to theReports section on the sidebar and open Weekly Reports.

You will be landed on the weekly reports page. Select any date from the calendar and its week will be automatically populated. You can also use the filters to get the specific results.

Submitting a weekly report

You can also submit a report directly to whom you want to send it by email. Click on the Submit Report here.

A popup will appear next where you need to enter the email addresses of people whom you want to share the report with. You can add multiple email addresses also by separating each email address with a comma. Next customize the message (optional) and click Send to send the report.

Exporting a report

You can download the report in CSV or PDF formats by clicking on this Export here.

Scheduling a report

Scheduled reports in THAREJA allow you to share report directly to the email inboxes of the desired people on the day and time of your choosing. You can even send this data to email addresses that are not members of your team.

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