How to Add Client in Thareja

Clients module has these two primary roles in Thareja:

  • To categorise which project belongs to which client for organisational purposes.
  • To invoice clients towards time tracked on their projects.

How to add a new client


Go to the navigation and open Clients page.

Click on Add Client button given at the top right corner. 

A pop-up window will appear where you can enter the details of your new client.

Just fill in all the required fields and click Save. Your client will be added and visible in the clients list on top.

Editing Clients

Select the client you wish to edit from the client list and open its action dropdown to find the edit option.

Next, you will be redirected to the client detail page where you can edit the details section-wise.

You can change basic details by clicking on the edit button here.

Once you are done with your changes, click Save.

Similarly, you can edit Contacts details here

All the details can be edited this way only.

Auto Invoicing

This feature plays an important role to invoice clients. You can auto invoice your clients by setting a custom frequency here.

Click Custom under the Auto Invoicing section to enable recurring invoices and fill in the following information:

  1. Amount based on – this is to bill clients based on an hourly bill rate, or a fixed price.
  2. Frequency – to select the intervals the invoice will be sent. Invoices can be sent monthly, weekly, and bi-weekly.
  3. Delay sending – to add a specific delay to your automatic invoices.
  4. Send reminder to pay after due – this sends an email reminder to clients after a specific number of days when an invoice has not been paid after it's due date.
  5. Line items – to define the line item format.
  6. Include non-billable time – to include all non-billable times logged to projects associated with a client.

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