How to change organization settings in THAREJA

You can change general settings by following these steps.

STEP 1.  Go to Settings > General Settings from the left-side navigation bar.

STEP 2. Now make the required changes to your organization's details and click Save.

Changing default role for new user in a project

Navigate to Settings > General Settings > Projects > Default User from the left-side navigation bar.

It allows you to set default role of users for new projects, you can either do this for a specific team member or entire team as well.

Changing tracker app settings for team members

THAREJA offers mobile, desktop and web applications to track time. From here you can choose which app your team members will use to track time as the options are None, All Apps and Desktop only.

To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General Settings > Time Tracker App > Allowed Apps.

Setting Idle Timeout for users

This feature only works with the Desktop App.

From here you can choose the duration of inactive time for a user to consider them idle. To access this setting, navigate to Settings > General Settings > Time Tracker App > Idle Timeout.

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