Billable and Non-Billable hours in THAREJA

This feature is basically used for client invoicing. While creating a project you can choose to make it billable or non-billable. If the project is billable then all the time tracked on the project will be counted in the client invoice. 

You can also choose to make the manual time billable or non-billable while adding manual time.

STEP 1. Open Timesheets from the left side navigation bar.

STEP 2. Now click Add Time to add manual time.

STEP 3. A popup will appear, just fill in all the required details, enable the billable toggle button to make the time billable and click Add Time.

Adding Billable or Non-Billable time in an existing project

STEP 1. Go to the project list, open the Actions menu on the project you want to change the hours for and click View Info.

STEP 2. Now go to the Project Information tab and click Edit on the budget section.

STEP 3. A popup will appear with a toggle button to make the project billable or non-billable. Set it to the required value and click Save.

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