THAREJA Clients Overview

Clients module has these two primary roles in Thareja:

  • To categorise which project belongs to which client for organisational purposes.
  • To invoice clients towards time tracked on their projects.

This guide covers the topics listed below:

Invoicing a client 

Thareja offers a sturdy Invoicing feature that lets you create invoices for clients and send them directly to the clients. Using our Invoicing Feature, you can create invoices for your clients or employers within seconds. Also, you can automatically or manually create line items based on the time tracked and can add tax information, discounts etc on your invoices.

  • To bill clients for time tracked, you need to set bill rates for each user/team member in your organisation. 
  • You must add Clients to your organisation to enable client invoicing. 
  • Only organisational owners can create manual Client Invoices.
  • Team members can only invoice their employers/organisation.

Invoice Settings

Before creating invoices, you should customize the organisation details. Navigate to Settings > Features Settings on your web dashboard to get started.

You will land on the Settings page,  click on the Invoices section. All the fields are optional here and any information you add here will automatically be added to the invoices you generate. You can add the following information:

  1. Address
  2. Logo
  3. Tax ID
  4. Tax Rate
  5. Notes
  6. Net Terms
  7. Auto invoicing – toggle to turn automatic invoicing on/off
  8. Amounts based on – choose from hourly/fixed amounts to bill on automatic invoices.
  9. Frequency – send automatic invoices from 3 set frequencies: Monthly, Weekly, Bi-weekly.
  10. Delay sending – add a daily delay for sending automatic invoices.
  11. Send reminders to pay after due – sends an automatic reminder based on x number of days.
  12. Line items – choose the format for line items on the automatic invoice.
  13. Include non-billable time – toggle the setting to include time marked as non-billable.
  14. PayPal Email – Through this, clients will have the option to pay you using Paypal when you invoice them through Thareja. 

Once you have entered all the information, click Save.

Bill Rates

To generate automatic line items on an invoice for a client, it is mandatory for each team member who is involved in the work for this client to have a  Bill Rate set up. The Bill Rate refers to the amount you charge your clients. Follow these steps to set up a Bill Rate:

STEP 1. Navigate to the Members page from left navigation and click on Edit Payment Details option in the Actions menu of the member whose bill rate you want to set.

STEP 2. Next a popup will open where you can input the bill rate for the member. Enter bill rate and click Save.

Creating a New Invoice

STEP 1. Navigate to Invoices. If you’re an organisation owner billing a client, click on the Clients tab then the New invoice button, if you’re an employee/user billing your organisation, then go to the Members tab and click the New invoice button.

The Clients and Member tabs are only available if you are the organisation owner. If you are a User, these tabs will not be visible.

STEP 2. On the invoice header, you can:

  1. Select the client you want to bill
  2. Issue date
  3. Due date
  4. Invoice Number
  5. PO number

Automatic Line Items

With our invoices, you have the option to manually add the line items by clicking on Add Item button or have them auto-populated by clicking on Generate Line Items button. In order to auto-populate the fields, follow the steps below:

STEP 1. While creating New Invoice, click on Generate Line Items.

STEP 2. Set your date range, member, project and line item format as required. You can also check the boxes to include non-billable time and expenses.

STEP 3. The invoice will be pre-filled with your team’s recorded data in the lines.

Once you’re done, click on Save as Draft, or Save and Send to send the invoice to your client.

Auto Invoicing for Clients

Automatic invoices to be sent to your clients can also be scheduled. To do this, follow the steps below:

STEP 1. Navigate to the Clients page from the navigation and open the detail page of the client you want to set the auto invoicing for.

STEP 2. Move to the Auto Invoicing section at the bottom of the page and click Custom. Then fill in the information required:

  1. Amount based on – bill clients based on the hourly bill or a fixed price every automatic interval.
  2. Frequency – select the intervals the invoice will be sent. Invoices can be sent monthly, weekly, and bi-weekly.
  3. Delay sending – add a specific delay to your automatic invoices.
  4. Send reminder to pay after due – this sends an email reminder to clients when an invoice has not been settled after a specific number of days.
  5. Line items – define the line item format.
  6. Include non-billable time – this includes all non-billable times logged to projects associated with a client.

Filtering Invoices

You can use a few different filters to view your invoices for just a particular date, status, or client. First, navigate to Invoices and then click the Clients tab. After which you can enter the dates on the calendar, select a client, the invoice status, then hit Apply to generate the list of invoices that meet the filters applied.

Editing an Invoice

Click Edit invoice from the Actions menu on the invoice you want to edit. After completing the updates you can either Save the invoice as a draft or Save and resend the invoice.

Downloading, Resending and Deleting an Invoice

Open the invoice you want to download from the list. 

Open Actions menu and select the action you want to perform.

Recording Payments (Mark as Paid)

If a client has paid, you can record that payment or mark it as paid. 

STEP 1. Select the invoice where you wish to record a payment from the list. 

STEP 2. Once the invoice page is open, click on the Record Payment button.

STEP 3. Enter the amount that was paid and the payment date. You can add optional notes if needed then hit Save.

STEP 4. You’ll be taken to the invoice page showing that the invoice was PAID. This will finally close an invoice and you will no longer be able to make any changes or any further options.

  • When you generate a line for the time that was recored and save it as a draft, that time becomes locked and can not be added in any other invoices.
  • While editing an invoice if you want to delete a generated line item, you need to click the cross icon given at the right end of the line item and then save the invoice for that change to take effect.
  • If you make any changes to an invoice and click on the Cancel button right after, then the changes will not take effect and the line items (manually added or auto generated) will still be there in the invoice.

Adding client to a project

A project can only have one client associated with it at a time.

A client can be chosen in clients dropdown while creating a project.

If you have created a project without a client, it's easy to add a client to a project in THAREJA.

STEP 1. Open Projects page from the left side navigation to get the listing of projects.

STEP 2. Open action dropdown on the project you want to change the client on and click Edit Project.

STEP 3. You will get a popup to edit the project details, click on the client dropdown and select client.

Once you added a client, click Save.

Adding client from the project detail page

Click View Info in the Actions menu and next click on the Project Information tab to open the project detail page.

Now click on the Edit button on Project Details section and then click Select Client to add client to the project.

Once you have chosen the client, click Save.

Editing client details

STEP 1. Choose Clients from the left-side navigation to open Clients page.

STEP 2. From the clients list, click on the client name you want to edit or you can open the Actions dropdown for the client and click View to open the client's detail page.

Now you can edit whatever you want by clicking on the edit button given at the top right corner of each section.

Basic Details 

Once you are done with the required changes, click here on Save and your changes will be saved. 

Similarly you can edit all the details.

Financial Details

Mailing Address

Physical Address

Social Media

Budget Details

Adding a client

The clients module has these two primary roles in Thareja:

  • To categorise which project belongs to which client for organisational purposes.
  • To invoice clients towards time tracked on their projects.

How to add a new client

Go to the navigation and open Clients page.

Click on  Add Client button given at the top right corner. 

A pop-up window will appear where you can enter the details of your new client.

Just fill in all the required field and click Save. Your client will be added and visible in the clients list on top.

Archiving a client

You can archive a client easily by following these steps: 

STEP 1. Go to the left side navigation bar and click on Clients. You will be redirected to the Clients listing page 

STEP 2. Open action dropdown for the client you want to archive and click Archive.

You will get a confirmation popup, click OK to confirm and the client will be archived.

Adding Budget to a client

By adding budget to a client in THAREJA, you will be able to keep track of your cost & time and ensure that you do not go over budget.

STEP 1. Open Clients page from the left-side navigation.

STEP 2. Open the client detail page by clicking on the client name you want to add budget to or you can open the Actions dropdown for the client and click View to open the client's detail page.

STEP 3. Now go to the budget section given at the bottom right corner of the page and click Edit.

STEP 4. Enter this required information and then click Save.

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