Dashboard Overview

Once you login to THAREJA, the first page you will see is Dashboard itself.

With your team name and today's date at the top, there are a few pages you can directly go to from this quick actions section.

Below this you have a choice to view an overview of you or your team data by clicking the Me or Team tab.

When you choose the Me tab, a graph will appear showing all of your activity details.

You will see your top tasks here which are the tasks you have tracked most of your day time to.

You will see screenshots of your most recent activity here. You can see a full view of the screenshot by clicking on the screenshot.

Here you will see the top projects you have tracked most of your day time to.

Once you select the Team tab you will see the details of all your team members.

The left chart below shows the number of tasks present in a particular status and the right chart shows the number of tasks assigned to a particular team member.

Similarly, you can see the top tasks, top members, top projects, all apps & urls activity of your entire team at the left side and the most recent activity at the right side.

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