How to delete activity in THAREJA
You can delete your recorded time & activity in THAREJA. The activity can be deleted for any 10-minute slot, for a number of slots, or for the entire day. Activity deletion will remove the activity from timesheets and reports and delete all the time, screenshots, mouse & keyboard movements and URL records.
Regardless of the Modify Time settings, every user has the ability to delete their own activity.
Data is permanently removed from the server and cannot be recovered after any activity has been deleted. If you delete an activity by mistake, you can add manual time afterwards. If your owner has allowed the add time option for you.
To delete an activity select Activity from the left navigation bar.
Deleting a single slot activity
Click this trash icon to delete a single slot activity.
Deleting multiple slots of activity
Select multiple slots of activity by checking the mark and click the trash icon appeared on the bottom of the page.
Deleting rows of activity
By checking the mark for the complete hour, you can delete an entire hour or row of activity.