Recording payments in THAREJA

THAREJA AI makes it easy to review and record all kind of payments in one place whether it's an expense, a timesheet or an invoice associated to the timesheet or a one-time payment like bonus.

To record a payment, go to Financials > Make Payments from the menu. Here you can see different tabs for different kind of payments like One-Time Amount for bonus etc, Timesheets Payroll will show you all the approved or client paid timesheets, Expense Payroll will show you all the approved expenses while all the payments you record will show inside Past Payments.

These are the steps to record payments:

Recording a One-Time Amount

STEP 1. Go to One-Time Amount tab, select the member you want to pay, input an amount, select the mode of the payment, put some notes if required and hit record.

STEP 2. Next you need to confirm the details on this popup and click Record Payment.

This payment has been recorded and you can find it inside the Past Payments tab now.

Recording Timesheet Payments

STEP 1. Open the Timesheet Payroll tab and click the member you want to pay to open their approved or client paid timesheets by clicking on this downward arrow given left to the member picture.

STEP 2. Now choose the timesheets that you want to pay the member for and click Mark as paid.

You can also view the invoices associated to these time sheets by clicking the invoice numbers given against the timesheets.

Client invoice is the invoice that is automatically sent to the team's client when a time sheet is approved by them while a team invoice is the one that is automatically sent to the team owner to pay their team member.

The amount in the client invoice is calculated according to the bill rate of the member while the amount in the team invoice is calculated according to the pay rate of the member in the team.

STEP 3. Next this popup will open. Confirm the details, choose the payment mode, put notes if required and click Mark as paid.

Your payment will be recorded and visible inside the past payments tab.

Recording Expense Payments

Similarly you can mark the expenses paid and you can also find them inside the past payments. You can also use the filters as per your requirements.

STEP 1. Open the Expense Payroll tab, choose the member you want to pay and click Mark as paid.

STEP 2. The confirmation popup will appear next. Confirm the details, choose the payment mode, put notes if required and click Mark as paid. Your payment will be recorded and visible inside the past payments tab.

Click here to watch a quick Payment Recording demo.

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