How to edit tasks in THAREJA

You can also edit an existing task in THAREJA by following a few simple steps that are described below.

Editing a task in THAREJA

Go to the task list and choose a task which you want to edit by clicking anywhere on it.

By clicking on a selected task you will be landed on the task detail page. 

Now you can edit the details here.

1. Task Name: You can edit the task name by clicking on the pencil icon given next to the task name.

And to save your changes, click Save button.

2. Task Details: You can change Priority, Project & Description of a task here.

  • Priority: You can change the priority of the task from here i.e. Low, Medium or High.

  • Project: Here you will get a list of all the added projects and you can change under which project this task will be created.
  • Description:  you can edit the task description.

3. Attachments: As the name indicates, you can attach files to a task using this option.

4. Comments: You can write your comment in the comment section given below the task description.

Just write your comment in the text area and click Post Comment.

You can also edit and delete your posted comment by clicking on the pencil and trash icon given on the right side of your comment.

You can make changes to the people section as well by clicking on the pencil icon given here.

You can not change QA LEAD

1. Assignee: On opening the dropdown you will get a list of all the team members and you can select who you want to assign this task to now. The assignee will also get notified via email when a task is assigned to them.

2. Reporter: Similarly you can change the task reporter as well.

Once you have made your changes, click on the check mark or cross to save or cancel your changes.

There are more sections to edit more task details.

1. Sprints: Click on the edit button and start typing a release name. You will get a list of all sprints of the project to select from which you want to add this task to. Once you have made your changes, click Save.

2. Dates: You can also edit the Start date and Due date of a task similarly. First click the Edit button and then Save to make your changes permanent.

2. Time: You can also edit the estimated time of a task from this section. Once you have made your changes, click Save.

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