How to delete a project in THAREJA
Only a team owner and manager can delete a project and only an archived project can be deleted, not an active one.
Deleting a project
Once a project is deleted, all the data recorded on that project including time tracked and to-dos will be permanently removed from the server and can no longer be retrieved.
Step 1. Open Projects page from the left side navigation to get the listing of projects.
Step 2. Choose Archived in the sort by project type filter and you will get a listing of all the archived projects.
Step 3. There is an Action dropdown at the right end of every list item. Open it and click Delete Project.
Step 4. After clicking on Delete Project you will get a confirmation box, click OK to confirm and your project will be permanently deleted.
Restoring a project
Only archived projects can be restored.
The process for restoring a project is quite similar to the above process.
Step 1. Select Archived in the sort by project type filter to get archived projects only in the list.
Step 2. Open the Action dropdown on the project you want to restore and click Restore Project.
Once you click on the Restore button you will get a confirmation box, click OK to restore the project.