Activity Tracking in THAREJA

You'll get screenshots showing the relationship between your team and their work. It's all about what your team is working on and how much time they spend on any task.

Go to the left-side navigation bar and select Activity.

There are three tabs on this page: Screenshots, App Activity and URL Activity. By default, you will land on the Screenshots tab.

Time totals on this page will not match reports if you are in a different timezone than the organisation.

You can use these filters too to view the sorted results. Please note these filters will show you the options as per your role in the organisation.

We do have a stats section here on top of the page below filters. Here you can see your total worked time, tasks completed and activity percentage obtained in comparison to the previous day.

Viewing Screenshots

  • Activity levels from 50% to 100% will be colour-coded as Green.
  • Activity levels from 20% to 50% will be colour-coded as Yellow (caution status). 
  • Activity levels from 0% to 20% will be colour-coded as Red (warning status).

Viewing App Activity

App Activity shows you how much time you have spent on a particular application on your desktop.

Viewing URL Activity 

URL activity shows you how much time you have spent on specific url's.

You can also click on the down arrow (⌄) to see the URL of the website visited during the timeframe. It will show you details like this.

Click here to watch a quick Time & Activity Tracking demo.

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