How to track time on a task using THAREJA mobile tracker
To start tracking time, you need to download and install one of our desktop, mobile, or browser apps.
Each app has its own limitations to what it can record, for example, mobile apps can only record time and locations (if enabled). Your employer may also require one type of application to be used to ensure your time & activities are recorded. It would be best to consult them in case you’re not sure what application you should download and use.
Time Tracking with THAREJA mobile app
1. Tap on the App Store or Play Store in your mobile.
2. Search Time Tracker by Thareja into the search bar. Download and install the application.
3. Once the app has been installed on your mobile, you are ready to start tracking your time.
4. Open the app and log in.
5. Once you are logged in to the application, you will find the list of projects assigned to you. Select a project, then choose the task you want to track your time to and click on the “Play” button to start timer.
Ideally your manager has set up projects and given you access to some or all of those projects. You should always select the project that you are currently working on, as these projects will be reflected in your reports in the THAREJA web interface.