How to add tasks in THAREJA

The tasks section includes a list of all the tasks that are created under the existing projects.

Creating a task

Go to the left-side navigation bar and select Tasks.

By clicking on Tasks you will be landed on the task listing page. Then click Add Task button given at the top right corner. 

Next, you will get the following popup to enter these details:

1. Client: Here you will get a list of all the added clients and you can select which client the task belongs to.

2. Project: Here you will get a list of all the added projects and you can choose under which project this task will be created.

3. Task Name: This will be the title of the task.

4. Task Description: As the name indicates, you can write the task description here.

5. Version: We have a concept of Releases or Versions here. You can add some tasks to a specific release which belongs to a specific module and see them only when you open that release.

6. Priority: You can set the priority of the task from here i.e. Low, Medium or High.

7. Assignee: Here you will get a list of all the team members and you can select whom you want to assign the task. The assignee will also get notified via email when a task is assigned to him/her.

8. Further you can select a Start Date and Due Date for the task.

9. Once you are done filling in all the details, just click Create New Task button and you will be redirected to the task listing page. The task created by you will be visible at the top of the list.

Here is a video explaining how to add a task in THAREJA.

Click here to watch a quick Project & Task Setup demo.

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