How to edit member detail in THAREJA

Navigate to Members from the left sidebar and open the Actions menu on the member you want to edit the details for.

Editing member's role

Click Edit Role in the Actions menu.

You will now see a popup asking you to select a different role from a dropdown menu. Select the desired role and click Save.

Editing payment details of a member

Click Edit Payment Details in the Actions menu.

You will see a pop-up with all the payment details. Set the desired values and click Save.

Editing time tracking limits of a member

Click Edit Limits in the Actions menu.

Next, fill in all the desired details and click Save.

Removing a member from your team

Click Remove in the Actions menu.

A confirmation popup will appear, click OK to confirm and the members will be removed from your team.

Disabling time tracking for a member

Once you disable a member, they will be moved to the archive.

Open the Actions menu on the member you want to disable and click Disable.

A confirmation popup will appear, click OK to confirm. 

The member will be moved to archived members from the active team members and will no longer be able to track time using the client app. 

Enabling time tracking for a member

However, you can always enable time tracking for a member by moving the member from archived members to active members again. You just need to click Enable in the Actions menu.

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