How to remove a team member in THAREJA

If you want any of your team members not to have access to your organization anymore, you can remove them from your team.

STEP 1. Navigate to Members from the left sidebar. 

STEP 2. Open the Actions menu on the member you want to remove from your team and click Remove.

STEP 3. A confirmation popup will appear, click OK to confirm and the members will be removed from your team.

How to restore a removed team member

If you want a removed team member to get full access to their Activity data like screenshots, apps & URLs along with the timesheets, or you want to let them continue working in your organization again, THAREJA offers a restoring member feature for this.

You only need to send the invitation to the same email address this member had previously.

What data will be removed after a user is removed from the team

  1. All timesheet data will be hidden for the removed member.
  2. All the Activity data i.e. screenshots, apps and URLs will be hidden.
  3. No payment will be generated for a removed member in the upcoming automatic payrolls.
  4. You won’t be able to select a removed member to make a manual payment as well via THAREJA.

What data will be available after a user is removed from the team

  1. Owners and managers will be able to see the Activity data for removed members.
  2. The data will be available in the Reports section as well.

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